My Fav Fab Funny Female: My Mom

Thursday, February 20, 2014 |

When I think about funny females, the funniest lady that comes to mind for me is my mom. It's weird because growing up I never thought my mom was funny. She's pretty quiet and was always relatively serious. As I've gotten older, I've come to listen for her humor. While definitely not the loud, boisterous kind of funny, she's queen of the dry, sarcastic one liners if you listen closely. What's more is that I've occasionally gotten her to do some hysterical impressions and accents that caused me some gut-busting giggles.

Me and my mom

But when she's not goofing around with me, my mom has a totally awesome job. Like her humor, I never really understood my mom's job growing up. I just knew she wore a suit and worked a lot, and now that I'm older I know her job is pretty sick! My mom is head of a team that helps finance energy all over the country. That literally means when some people turn on their lights, my mom is the one who made that possible. Without her organizing the money, power companies couldn't provide power.

I'm sure many of you were affected by Sandy in various ways. One major problem that arrose was power. This past December, my mom helped restructure the financing of Long Island Power Authority (helllloooo our readers in Long Island -- you can now think of my hilarious mama when you turn on your lights!) so that they now have money to harden their system and be better prepared for future storms.

Storms ain't got nada on my mama!

But my mom didn't do this alone! Governor Cuomo also put in legislation to make this possible. Thanks to legislation, finance, technology, and my mama, hopefully storms will no longer have the power to prevent energy loss and other devastating effects.


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