Women Who Make A Difference #1

Wednesday, January 22, 2014 |

Here is the first post of a new, exciting series on Fabulously Funny Females!

Each week, we will unveil a couple of the "Women You Should Know", drawn by award-winning cartoonist David Trumble. He 'princess-ified' 10 women who he thinks aspires the next generation more than the typical princesses we are used to seeing! 

With each unveiling, we will tell you why we think these women are fabulous and funny and what you can learn from them! 


What did Susan B. Anthony do?

She was a women's rights activist way back in the 1800s! She was really involved in the women's suffrage and basically lead the way in getting women the right to vote. Don't you believe we deserve it?! Susan taught us to stand up for what we believe even if it goes against what almost everyone around us (men, in her case) feel. (Fabulous ✓)

Some fun facts about Susan B. Anthony?

1) She was so smart that she learned to read and write by age 3! I don't know about you but I was pretty content just coloring back then

2) She had her own US coin called the Susan B. Anthony dollar! It was a $1 coin.

Remember to check back each week for the next special woman! Comment below if you respect Susan too! Does she inspire YOU? If not, who does??


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